Blue Maine Coon cats have a cool sophistication that can’t be matched. Their luxurious gray fur, whether light or dark, goes splendidly with their strong, angular faces. Some are muti-faceted with various shades and hues of gray in their coats. Anyone who says the color gray is boring has never met a blue Maine Coon!
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- 1. Baldr - Just Peachy
- 2. Finn - Ice Blue
- 3. Chubby Cheeks
- 4. Blue Beauty
- 5. Duke
- 6. Little Graybie
- 7. Misha
- 8. Onyx
- 9. Majestic
- 10. Something New, Something Blue
- 11. Dos Equis
- 12. Gracie - Light Blue
- 13. Rugged Boy
- 14. Two in Blue
- 15. Loves her Blanket
- 16. Zolda - Boldly Blue
- 17. What a Mug!
- 18. Ready To Celebrate
- 19. Fluffy Blue
- 20. Angelic Gaze
- 21. Cobalt
- 22. Perry
- 23. Smile
- 24. Valentina
- 25. Aslan
- 26. Thor
- 27. All Dressed Up
1. Baldr - Just Peachy

We’re not sure if Baldr is taking a bite of this fruit or just sniffing it. The majority of cats don’t like fruit at all, but some will eat a bit of fruit once in a while. It's okay for a cat to have fruits in small amounts; just avoid raisins and grapes, which can harm their kidneys.
2. Finn - Ice Blue
Blue Maine Coon cats run the gamut from very light gray to almost black. Here’s a great example of the lighter side of the spectrum. These lighter gray cats are often referred to as “blue smoke” for obvious reasons.
3. Chubby Cheeks
Maine Coon kittens’ unique faces are the topic of much obsession in online cat appreciation communities. This kitten’s facial fur puffs out in an adorable way that gives him the look of having chubby cheeks. Don’t you just want to pinch them?
4. Blue Beauty
This cat must have excellent breeding. Its elegant lines, solid color, fluffy mane, and piercing eyes make it the perfect example of a blue Maine Coon cat. If you’re looking for a specific type of Maine Coon, your best bet is to speak with reputable breeders.
5. Duke
There’s a new sheriff in town, and his name is Duke! This smoky-colored Maine Coon cat seems to be enjoying playing dress-up with his human. You’ll notice he has some white markings around his eyes that make them stand out even more.
6. Little Graybie
This adorable baby is so photogenic! In this close-up, you can see how many whiskers he has. Maine Coons actually have more whiskers than other cat breeds. On average, standard cats have between eight and twelve whiskers per side of their face; Maine Coons have 16!
7. Misha
Misha is a Russian Blue/Maine Coon mix. She has many of the traits of a Maine Coon, and has obviously inherited the gene for a beautiful deep-gray coat. He has no ear tufts, but her tail is ultra-fluffy.
8. Onyx
Is Onyx having a bad mane day or a good one? In our opinion, the mane covering this blue Maine Coon cat’s face gives her a glamorous, windblown look. Very Marilyn Monroe.
9. Majestic
If there was a king of the cat realm, it would be this guy. That confident look, that epic mane, the size, and grandeur. All hail his royal highness!
10. Something New, Something Blue
This baby Maine Coon cat is only about two weeks old. We can tell because his ears haven’t unfolded yet. Generally, kittens open their eyes at around two weeks old, and their ears pop up around three weeks of age. The ear tufts can take several months to reach full height.
11. Dos Equis
Speaking of ear tufts, Dos Equis has them for days! Between his ears, his “human” face, and his dark, almost black fur, this gentleman is a force to be reckoned with.
12. Gracie - Light Blue
Blue Maine Coon cats can come in tabby form too. Gracie here has a lovely combination of smoky gray, violent, and darker gray colors in her coat. She seems to be twinning with the gray tweed couch she’s sitting on.
13. Rugged Boy
Wow! This Maine Coon cat has an exaggerated “masculine” face that makes him look quite formidable. It's a combination between chiseled cheekbones, a wide nose, and a strong chin. His smoky mane has the look of a beard, which completes his distinguished look.
14. Two in Blue
Double your fun with these two sweet blue Maine Coon cats. It's clear these sisters love each other, but they probably fight once in a while too. Maybe even over that toy. Interestingly, the toy they’re playing with is almost the same color as they are.
15. Loves her Blanket
This blue Maine Coon cat looks like she’s just waking up from a long nap. Her orangey-yellow blanket looks very cozy, and it also compliments the blue undertones in her fur. Some cats love being covered with a blanket; some even like burrowing inside the bedding.
16. Zolda - Boldly Blue
Do blue leopards exist? If they did, they’d look just like Zolda. Her wide features and fierce eyes give her a wonderful jungle cat vibe. And look at that blue fur! Blue Maine Coon cats are gray, not actually blue. However, using certain types of filters on your photos can bring out the blue undertones in your gray cat’s coat, making them look “true blue.”
17. What a Mug!
Maine Coons can be regal, but sometimes they can also have a bit of a goofy look. This cat’s stance and expression give him the appearance of an old-time comedian.
18. Ready To Celebrate
Apollo is getting into the Christmas spirit. This German Maine Coon cat is posing with holiday lights twinkling behind him. Cats are notorious for destroying Christmas decorations, but Apollo looks so innocent we don’t think he’d ever do that!
19. Fluffy Blue
This young Maine Coon cat is in his gawky “teenage’ stage. Cats go through this period when they’re around 6 to 8 months old. They’re no longer kittens but not yet fully developed adults. Maine Coons may not yet have their full fluffy coat or mane at this growth stage, but this cat looks well on its way.
20. Angelic Gaze
Look at this sweet girl’s face! Her lilac fur and big green eyes give her a look of innocence and trust.
21. Cobalt
Cobalt may still be a young kitten, but you can already see how handsome he’s going to be when he grows up. His deep blue-gray fur and matching blue eyes are the perfect combination.
22. Perry
Perry’s full fluffy coat makes him look a bit chubby. Maine Coon cats usually have long, lanky bodies, but they’re also sturdy cats with lots of fur. This can make some of them seem chunky. As long as your vet says your cat is a healthy weight, don’t worry about it!
23. Smile
Some cats have a mouth that turns up at the edges, mimicking a smile. This blue Maine Coon kitten has a very exaggerated form of this trait, and we love it. His owners will be over the moon to have a cat who always looks so happy.
24. Valentina
Valentina is a blue Maine Coon with a blue smoke Maine. She looks so natural in an outdoor setting. Many Maine Coon cats enjoy being outside and exploring nature throughout the year. Remember to keep your cat in an enclosed area and bring them in at night or in extreme weather.
25. Aslan
Aslan looks like he wants to turn that ornament into a toy! This fluffy Maine Coon is clearly looking forward to the holiday season and all the spoiling and treats that come with it.
26. Thor
Little Thor is starting to get his adult face - sharp cheekbones and all. Watching kittens grow up, gain new features, and learn new skills is exciting.
27. All Dressed Up
This blue Maine Coon kitten looks to be dressed up for a special occasion in his stick red tie. Some cats enjoy wearing clothes, while others want nothing to do with it. Usually, if you start when they’re young, they grow accustomed to wearing cat clothing, and you’ll be able to get some cute pictures.