Even though the males are bigger, female Maine Coons are still an impressive sight. They’re simply majestic. With their large size, long-haired coats, and gloriously fluffy tails, Maine Coons are your dream feline companion.

No need to be wary of this feline. It’s a gentle giant, famous for its friendly temperament. Today, we’re looking at 17 female Maine Coons that are especially remarkable for how majestic they are.
Jump to:
- 1. Pretty Kitty With Huge Triangle Ears
- 2. Maine Coon Reclining on a Window Seat
- 3. Lovely Cat Basking in the Sunshine
- 4. All Hail Brandy the Queen Maine Coon!
- 5. Maine Coon Hiding On Top of Cat Tree
- 6. Orange and White Maine Coon With Glorious Tail
- 7. Young Maine Coon With Doll Collection
- 8. Maine Coon With Shaggy Ruff With Leopard Pose
- 9. Elegant Maine Coon in Deep Contemplation
- 10. Amber-Eyed Maine Coon in the Great Outdoors
- 11. Silver Tabby Maine Coon Cuddling on Bed
- 12. Multi-Colored Maine Coon Posing With Artistic Background
- 13. Ginger Maine Coon On Cat Bed Beside Sliding Window
- 14. This Female Maine Coon is Still a Kitten (Yet Absolutely Majestic)
- 15. Calico Maine Coon Says, If It Fits, I Sits!
- 16. Maine Coon Kitten in the Lap of Luxury
- 17. Ginger Maine Coon Hanging Out in the Sink
- Final Thoughts
1. Pretty Kitty With Huge Triangle Ears
Awww! Such a pretty Maine Coon. But as well as pretty, as a Maine Coon this feline is majestic. She looks relatively young, so she’s probably still growing.
Her ears are already fully grown, though. Wow, just look at those triangles, complete with fluffy tufts. Part of this feline’s majesty is the pose.
2. Maine Coon Reclining on a Window Seat
Cats love windows, and Maine Coons are no exception. This majestic female Maine Coon has a magnificent neck ruff and fluffy coat with a shaggy belly.
She looks so elegant, with her front legs dangling off the seat. This Maine Coon should be a professional model. But no matter what, her humans will always admire her.
3. Lovely Cat Basking in the Sunshine
Bella Elizabeth is a sight for sore eyes. Such a lovely feline with all the features we love best about Maine Coons. She has especially impressive lynx tips at the tips of her ears.
We love her little chin, too, with its hint of a white beard. Like most other cats, this Maine Coon adores basking in the sun.
4. All Hail Brandy the Queen Maine Coon!
Brandy the Maine Coon is the Queen of her Household. Just look at that stance. She knows she’s in charge, and she’s certainly a gorgeous Maine Coon.
She’s displaying her beauty and majestic coat on an adorned mat. Looks like Brandy might be a little annoyed with her troublesome human. This kitty wants a nap.
5. Maine Coon Hiding On Top of Cat Tree
This Maine Coon is enjoying some private, quiet time tucked away on top of her scratching post-cat tree. She’s still showing off her tail, though. And what a tail it is, so fluffy!
This female Maine Coon is still a kitten with quite a bit of growing to do. In the meantime, though, she needs extra naps.
6. Orange and White Maine Coon With Glorious Tail
Yet another Maine Coon reclining on a bed! These kitties know the best places in the house. Adorned with a beautiful ginger and white coat, with sparkling yellow eyes, this cat is proudest of her tail.
It’s gloriously fluffy, adding to her majestic look. It looks like this feline has taken over the bed she’s lying on, claiming it as her own.
7. Young Maine Coon With Doll Collection
At just 10 months old, this female Maine Coon kitty looks to have a curious personality. She likes to investigate and be around things that her humans pay attention to, like these collector dolls and toys.
She looks at her owners inquisitively as if asking what these strange objects might be.
8. Maine Coon With Shaggy Ruff With Leopard Pose
Is this a chair or a throne? Well, maybe it was a chair before, but it’s a throne now. That’s because a regal female Maine Coon is relaxing on it, with one front leg draped over the front like a leopard.
It almost looks like this kitty is wearing eyeliner! She has a such beautiful coloration, with her green eyes rimmed with natural black.
9. Elegant Maine Coon in Deep Contemplation
To be, or not to be…a Maine Coon? To be a Maine Coon is best, for sure! Maine Coons understand elegance, and this female feline is no exception.
She knows she’s posing, complete with beautiful flowers in the background. This cat’s name is Pina, and she knows she’s the most beautiful and majestic member of the household.
10. Amber-Eyed Maine Coon in the Great Outdoors
Smilia is so proud of her fluffiness. We especially adore her magnificent neck ruff, as well as her long and wayward whiskers.
It looks like Smilia is posing in a “catio” on a wooden bench. She definitely knows the human is taking her picture since she’s posing. As a Maine Coon, this is one large, majestic kitty cat.
11. Silver Tabby Maine Coon Cuddling on Bed
Ruby the Maine Coon loves her comfort. Here we see her in all her glory, stretched out and cuddling on a plush bed. Such bliss! Ruby is proud of her silver tabby coat.
But that doesn’t mean she’s not majestic! In fact, Ruby has earned her place on this list of majestic female Maine Coons.
12. Multi-Colored Maine Coon Posing With Artistic Background
This female Maine Coon is called Titiyo, and as her social media manager says here, she loves Caturday. A majestic feline, Titiyo has a unique multi-colored coat that could be considered calico.
We adore her bright amber eyes, as well. Titiyo is well complemented by the artistic blue background that the humans have placed behind her.
13. Ginger Maine Coon On Cat Bed Beside Sliding Window
Woah, take a look at that neck ruff! It’s more like a lion’s mane, isn’t it? This ginger Maine Coon looks a little different than many others of that breed, with a bit of a flatter face. But it looks so cute with the rest of her look.
This Maine Coon is wondering what exactly her humans want. Do they have a treat?
14. This Female Maine Coon is Still a Kitten (Yet Absolutely Majestic)
Lunaa (yes, with two As) shows all the best features of her majestic breed. She’s got the big triangular ears with ample lynx tips (fluff on the ends of her ears), as well as the long whiskers and impressive neck ruff.
She looks a little small, but maybe she hasn’t stopped growing yet. We’re sure that she’s a loving and affectionate feline.
15. Calico Maine Coon Says, If It Fits, I Sits!
Bailey is a female Maine Coon with catitude! She’s decided that she wants to sleep in this round steel container, maybe even in the kitchen, and no one will stop her.
She has her eyes open, keeping an eye on the humans in case they try to change her sleeping location. This Maine Coon feline has an especially long coat.
16. Maine Coon Kitten in the Lap of Luxury
When it comes to sleeping spots, Zara is pretty choosy. Only a sofa with an intricate print will do, or at least that’s what it looks like here! Zara is still a kitten at seven months old.
Her social media manager says she’s sitting like a human. But Zara says she’s actually sitting like a majestic Maine Coon.
17. Ginger Maine Coon Hanging Out in the Sink
It seems strange that a cat would like to sit in the sink. After all, wouldn’t they worry that the water would turn on? But Maine Coons are different. Many of them actually like water.
This orange and white Maine Coon likes sitting in the sink, enjoying the feel of its cool porcelain. If I fit, I sit!
Final Thoughts
So, there you have it! Maine Coons are majestic, and this list showed you 17 of the most majestic females of that feline species. Do you want a Maine Coon?
Many people even compare Maine Coons to dogs! If you want a cat that might like to play fetch, greet you at the door, or follow you around, maybe a Maine Coon is just what you’re looking for!