Maine Coon cats are the gentle giants of the cat world. Pet owners love them because of their majestic fur coats, fluffy tails, and sweet dispositions. However, these cats are mostly known for being big gray fluff balls - can they be any other colors?

Although purebred Maine Coons are generally gray or brown, many different colors exist. If you’re lucky, you’ve seen a variety of Maine Coon cats. However, one of the rarest combinations is a color generally reserved for a Siamese cat - the flame point.
They are rare, but they are beautiful! Here are 17 of the most majestic flame point Maine Coon cats we’ve found. Enjoy the beauty of these fluffy, sweet kittens.
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- 17 Majestic Flame Point Maine Coon Cats
- 1. The Perfect Example of A Flame Point Maine Coon
- 2. This Instagram Model
- 3. A Huge Fluffer
- 4. This Mighty Hunter
- 5. A Maine Coon and Siamese Mix
- 6. A Subtle Flame Point
- 7. Flame Point All Over
- 8. The Longest Cat in the World
- 9. Lotus, the Tired but Majestic
- 10. This Little Adventurer
- 11. This Maine Coon Kitten With Ears For Days
- 12. A Cream Point Maine Coon
- 13. These Adorable Rescue Cats
- 14. This Almost-Flame Point Maine Coon
- 15. This Cream Point Maine Coon Mix
- 16. These Sweet Siblings
- 17. This Fierce Youngster
- Final Thoughts
17 Majestic Flame Point Maine Coon Cats
A flame point the siamese cat is a Siamese and an American Tabby shorthair crossbreed. Although it’s the only officially recognized flame point breed, the hallmarks of the breed can be seen on other cats (including, rarely) on a Maine Coon.
Flame point cats have blue eyes, mostly white fur, and brighter orange or tabby patches around the eyes, nose, and tail. Some flame point cats have darker feet as well. These cats look like their extremities were dipped in fire, which is where the name comes from.
Although they’re difficult to find, we’ve tracked down some of the most majestic and beautiful flame points Maine coons on the internet. Here they are, in all their glory.
1. The Perfect Example of A Flame Point Maine Coon
Flame Point Maine Coons aren’t easy to find, but this lovely girl sitting on a lawn chair is a perfect example. She has pale fur, orange tips, and the light color of a flame point but brings her own Maine Coon flare in her size, fur type, and orange eyes. Seeing such a perfect flame point Maine coon is rare but beautiful.
2. This Instagram Model
A classic example of a flame point Maine Coon, this lovely cat is pale white with blue eyes and orange ear tips. The classic furry ears and fluffiness of the Maine Coon look stunning with the flame point coloring. We can’t imagine a better model than this sweet, fluffy boy!
3. A Huge Fluffer
Not all Maine Coon cats are flame points, but they are huge. This fellow is huge, and his rare orange coloring makes him even more special. His owner gets to cuddle (and clean up after) this precious fur baby, and we are a little jealous!
4. This Mighty Hunter
One of the best parts of a Maine Coon is its lion-like fur. Maine Coons have long, silky fur that hangs between their legs and off the end of their tail. For an example of a classic Maine Coon with some extraordinary orange and flame point coloring, look at this lovely cat.
5. A Maine Coon and Siamese Mix
This stunning cat is a perfect mix of a Maine coon and a flame point Siamese. He has all the coloring of the flame point Siamese with the fur, body shape, and fluffiness of a traditional Maine Coon. Crossbreeding lighter Maine coons with flame point siamese is how the particular patterning is usually found.
6. A Subtle Flame Point
Although many Maine Coons have different colorings, very few have flame point patterns. However, this cat has white fur and slightly orange ears and feet tips. You may need to look closely, but he has the slight tinge of a flame point! Sometimes, they’re hiding in plain sight.
7. Flame Point All Over
In contrast, this beauty has a lovely flame color throughout her coat. Although she’s not technically an orange tabby, she keeps the pale undertones of a flame point with the lovely orange extremities. On top of this, she has beautiful deep orange eyes to accent it all.
8. The Longest Cat in the World
Omar, the orange tabby flame point Maine Coon, has broken records for his length and width. He may not be the traditional definition of a flame point, but his orange ears and feet (and sheer size) more than make up for his lack of blue eyes. This cat is as majestic as he is big.
9. Lotus, the Tired but Majestic
Although he’s not blonde, Lotus has an amazing coat with tinges of orange throughout and at his extremities. He’s a Maine Coon cat with a personality and all the fur you would expect, plus unexpected ginger all over his body.
10. This Little Adventurer
What’s more majestic than a Maine Coon cat? A flame point Main Coon riding a tortoise, of course. This adventurous cat has flame-point markings. It’s not as fluffy as your average Maine Coon cat, but it is a Main Coon mix and deserving of all the tortoise rides in the world.
11. This Maine Coon Kitten With Ears For Days
The only thing cuter than a cat is a kitten, which goes for Maine Coons. This orange flame point Maine Coon kitten has ears that could hold an entirely new cat inside them. We can’t wait to see what they look like when he grows up!
12. A Cream Point Maine Coon
This “cream point” Birman Maine Coon mix is a perfect example of why the coloration is so popular. The cream point is a variation of the flame point, in which the underlying coloring is more cream than white. It’s a lovely coloration, and this mixed-breed cat is a great example.
13. These Adorable Rescue Cats
Flame point cats are rare in any breed, and these Balinese/Siamese/Maine Coon mix cats are beautiful. Kenji and Kumi have fewer Maine Coon traits and more flame point traits, but they deserve to be on this list and a good and loving home.
14. This Almost-Flame Point Maine Coon
Okay, this sweet cat isn’t technically a flame point. If you’re looking at technicalities, his eyes are darker, and he’s more of an orange tabby. However, his ears, tail, and feet are darker orange than the rest of his body, and finding an orange tabby Maine Coon is also extremely rare! We’re keeping him on the list because we love him.
15. This Cream Point Maine Coon Mix
Although some Maine Coon cats are easy to tell, others are mixed with other breeds or rescues. This cat is part Maine Coon (look at those ears!), but the owner isn’t sure what else. However, it fits the bill for majestic and flame points.
16. These Sweet Siblings
If you think that one flame point Maine Coon cat is a sight to behold, try two next to each other. These fur siblings are gorgeous and have a slightly darker coloring than most flame-point cats. However, that could be because of their Maine Coon genetics or coloring in their immediate parentage.
17. This Fierce Youngster
For our last cat, we found another kitten, except this one is much closer to the true definition of a flame point Maine Coon. He already has his ear tufts and grumpy expression - this little kitten will be one of the best and biggest Maine Coon cats around!
Final Thoughts
These cats are each unique in that they have both the common features of a Maine coon cat and the coloring of a flame point. Without these lovely cats, we wouldn’t know that flame point Maine coon cats existed, and we are grateful for their existence and fluff!