While Maine Coons are majestic, beautiful animals, there are some times when they can be silly, funny, or outright goofy. These Maine Coon memes show how much personality these gentle giants really have.
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- 1. Maine Coon Diet
- 2. Working Overtime
- 3. Not A Forest Cat
- 4. Ghost
- 5. Better than TV
- 6. Coffee
- 7. When Mom Leaves
- 8. My Box, Karen!
- 9. I Ate The Bird
- 10. End You
- 11. Rabbit-Cat
- 12. Magic Potion
- 13. Like Mother, Like Daughter
- 14. Came, Purred, Conquered
- 15. Tricky Weather
- 16. Tasty Bird
- 17. Long Tail
- 18. Take The Picture
- 19. Size 12
- 20. Kibble Shmibble
- 21. Puppy in The House
1. Maine Coon Diet

Maine Coons are a varied breed, with a lot of diversity in color and pattern. This clever meme compares the different colors found among Maine Coons to other foods and implies that you need all of them in your "diet."
Cat lovers will definitely understand the feeling behind this meme. Cats are so adorable. Each one is so unique and pretty that you wish you could just adopt them all!
2. Working Overtime
It is a familiar feeling, that disorienting sensation of not knowing what time it is and where your body is in its circadian rhythm. It may hit you when you're working long shifts, experiencing jet lag while traveling, or getting over an illness that kept you in bed for a couple of days. Either way, it's no fun!
This Maine Coon's face expresses that feeling perfectly. Its long, tousled fur and crossed eyes give it a confused, disheveled look many of us can sympathize with.
Interesting fact; Crossed eyes - also known as strabismus - are not rare in cats. It can be a hereditary trait ( a trait they're born with ) and is not usually related to any dangerous medical conditions. However, contact your vet immediately if your cat's eyes suddenly appear crossed or wandering or if one eye is bulging.
3. Not A Forest Cat
Norwegian Forest Cats and Maine Coons may have some similarities, but they are different breeds. Please don't get them mixed up!
4. Ghost
Some Maine Coons have these unique, "human: faces that can look a little spooky sometimes. They make great Halloween cats.
5. Better than TV
Most cat owners would agree. The love you get from your Maine Coon, and the entertainment value of their daily hijinks, beats watching television by a mile!
6. Coffee
This older Maine Coon cat's face accurately captures what many of us look like in the morning when our alarms go off. Luckily for cats, they don't have to go to work and can sleep for 18 hours a day!
7. When Mom Leaves
Does your cat get into mischief while you're away from the house? You may have found evidence of their adventures on your home security cameras or the floors! Some cats misbehave out of anxiety when their owner is away, while others are just playful and try to make their own fun. Either way, ensure your cat has a safe, cat-proofed area to play and explore.
8. My Box, Karen!
Litter box wars aren't uncommon in multi-cat households. Some cats are territorial about where they go to the bathroom. While multiple cats can use the same box, you may have to invest in more than one if your cats are picky about it.
9. I Ate The Bird
Maine Coons like spending time outside, and as a result, you may sometimes end up with a "present" of a bird or mouse on your doorstep. While it can be gross and a little disturbing, it's their natural instinct to hunt. The only way to prevent it is to keep your cat inside.
10. End You
Has your cat ever just sat down and stared at you for a long time? Most likely, it's a look of love and adoration, but sometimes, it can look a little ominous.
11. Rabbit-Cat
Most Maine Coons have longer-than-average, tufted ears, but most aren't quite as long as this guy's. He even has rabbits calling him brother. Very impressive!
12. Magic Potion
Many say that Maine Coon cats, with their unusual faces and intelligent eyes, look like magical creatures from a fantasy story. We wholeheartedly agree and would buy this guy's potions any day.
13. Like Mother, Like Daughter
All moms are proud of their kids. This Maine Coon mom is extra proud because she can take full credit for their beauty.
14. Came, Purred, Conquered
This majestic Maine Coon cat looks like she's the ruler of all she surveys. Long Live The Queen!
15. Tricky Weather
Depending on where you live, spring can play games with you. It can be warm, sunny, and welcoming one day; the next, it will feel like winter all over again. This is more of a problem for people than for Maine Coons. These hearty cats are built for all kinds of weather, but be sure they have a comfortable place to go to keep them out of the harsh elements.
16. Tasty Bird
This Maine Coon cat is what's known as a "mega-chonk," aka a plus-sized kitty. He's enjoying watching the birds in his backyard but probably isn't going to make the leap to catch any of them.
17. Long Tail
Ouch! Being a long-tailed cat at a rocking chair convention sounds like a stressful experience. Maine Coon owners know they have to watch out for their pets' tails in all kinds of situations.
18. Take The Picture
Getting photos of your Maine Coon isn't always easy. Like kids, cats will often move or make a sour face just as you snap what you hoped would be the perfect pic.
19. Size 12
The romance between cats and boxes is the stuff of legend. It doesn't matter if the cat fits in the box or not; they will give it a try.
Zookeepers have even tried this with big cats like tigers, lions, and leopards. It turns out these fierce jungle cats love boxes too. Granted, they would have a difficult time getting into this shoebox!
20. Kibble Shmibble
Some cats love kibble, while others find it bland compared to wet cat food. For most cats, you should offer a can of wet food once a day and leave a bowl of kibble out for the day so they can nibble as needed.
21. Puppy in The House
It's not always easy introducing your Maine Coon to a new animal who will be part of your family. It takes time and patience, but usually, the cat will adjust to the new four-legged sibling. There's no promise they'll be best friends, but they can learn to maintain distance and peace.