Maine Coon cats are some of the most interesting and beautiful cats on the planet! Even people who claim they don't like cats tend to think these are some of the coolest cats around. They have beautiful colored coats and eyes and are the largest domestic cat breed worldwide.
You've probably heard the saying that people start to look like their pets, but some celebrities look remarkably similar to some Maine Coon cats.
While many of these celebrities don't look like a specific Maine Coon cat, certain Maine Coons with certain fur colors or patterns make you look twice.
Here are five Maine Coon cats that look like celebrities!
1. Ed Sheran

So, this next one might be a bit of a stretch, but the more you look at it, the more you start seeing the resemblance. Ed Sheran might be one of the most famous musicians of recent years, so everyone's used to seeing his face and knows what he looks like, even if you're not a fan.
Not only does this little Maine Coon kitten have a unique appearance, but the more you look at him, the more you think it's the cat version of Ed Sheran. The little kitten features a white coat but then bright red fur around his face, making it look like Ed Sheran's famous red hair.
The longer you look, the more you might even think that the facial expression of Ed Sheran and the Maine Coon kitten both look very similar.
There aren't a lot of other Maine Coons that look like Ed Sheran, but we're pretty confident you'll think this one does. The Maine Coon is definitely one of the cutest we've seen.
2. Ron Perlman
Ron Perlman is an American actor who's starred in dozens of films and stage performances throughout his lengthy career. He has a very recognizable face, and even if you can't think of a specific movie he's been in, you'd recognize him if you saw a picture of him.
Something funny about Ron Perlman is that he looks like almost every single adult Maine Coon cat! If you don't believe us, just Google Ron Perlman and Maine Coon cats.
It's hard to pinpoint exactly what makes this actor look like a Maine Coon cat, but once you see it, you'll never not see it.
The picture above showcases a light blonde, almost white-haired Ron Perlman and a beautiful white and orange Maine Coon Cat. Maybe it's the similar hair colors or the smoldering eyes, but there's no mistaking that this celebrity looks very much like a Maine Coon cat.
Even if you don't see the resemblance in this picture, there's plenty more floating out there on the internet.
3. Will Ferrell
Everyone knows who Will Ferrell is. As one of the funniest actors and comedians of recent times, you can't see a comedy film anymore without thinking about this actor. He's everywhere in Hollywood and has starred in dozens of movies over the years.
Something Will Ferrell and Maine Coons have in common is their fun personality. They're both playful and are sure to make you laugh at least once in a while. Will Ferrell doesn't look like all Maine Coon cats, but this one does bear a resemblance.
This fluffy, pearl-white Maine Coon looks similar to a white-haired Will Ferrell, at least in this picture. Besides the same hair and fur color, it could be the eyes.
The small eyes with a piercing stare sure do help make the resemblance even stronger. Even if you don't see it right away, just look at the picture a little longer, and you'll see it.
4. Sophie Turner
The stunning Sophie Turner can pull off a variety of hair colors, but with her vibrant red hair, she looks very similar to Maine Coons, who has a fiery red coat. There are a lot of reasons people think Maine Coons look like Sophie Turner when she has red hair, but let's break it down.
Maine Coons have striking faces, and even though they don't have a bone structure like humans, for some reason, they look like they have a great bone structure, much like Sophie Turner.
Besides the face, the red hair and coat look almost identical, like she asked her hair stylist to dye it the same shade as this Maine coon cat.
While not everyone sees the resemblance between this Maine Coon and Sophie Turner, a lot of people do. Sure, there are Maine Coons that look much more like other celebrities, like Ron Perlman, but there's no denying the resemblance.
5. Shakira
Besides Shakira being a world-class musician, she's famous for her stunning curly locks of hair. They're voluminous and always stunning. The photo of her side by side with a Maine Coon cat looks pretty similar, but the main similarity is their hair and fur colors.
The Maine Coon that we think looks like Shakira features piercing gold eyes. While Shakira doesn't have gold eyes, her stare could cut right through you, much like the Maine Coon.
Besides the piercing stare, you can't deny the similarities between this Maine Coon's black and brown hair and Shakira's highlighted hair.
Sure, Shakira's hair is much curlier than this Maine Coon's fur, but under the head on the chest, you'll see some adorable wavy and even curly strands of fur. Side by side, this Maine Coon looks like they wanted to be Shakira for Halloween.
Final Thoughts
Maine Coon cats are beautiful cats that have unique coats and striking faces. While there's no mistaking them for cats, several looks similar to a few of your favorite famous celebrities.
Now that you've seen five Maine Coon cats that look like celebs, we think you'll have a hard time looking at these five celebrities the same again.
You'll probably see a lovely Maine Coon cat next time instead, but we promise. They're not really Maine Coon cats. They just have a furry look alike!