One of the friendliest and most unique breeds of domestic cats is the enormous yet humble Maine Coon cat. These fluffy hunks of love and fur are intelligent and adaptable, making them amazing family pets.

While they're great to have around the house and quite the amiable creature, you have to wonder about their behaviors sometimes, like, why does your Maine Coon keep licking you? After all, cats aren't known for licking humans as much as dogs, and this discrepant behavior can mean any number of things.
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Why Maine Coon Cats Lick
Here are 11 reasons why Maine Coon cats lick you:
As one of the most loving breeds of cats, there's a good chance that your Maine Coon is showing you affection when they lick you.
This is one of the most common ways of conveying intimacy for cats and something your pet will often do once you've formed a strong bond with them.
Likewise, your cat might lick you to groom and clean you. You may find this strange since you just took a shower, but remember that they don't have such amenities in the cat world.
Believe it or not, many cats will lick you simply because they enjoy the sensations of their tongue rubbing against your skin. It may feel a bit sandpapery to you, but it's pretty smooth (and sometimes hairy) on their end.
Seeking Attention
Are you giving your pet enough attention? Because if you're not, your Maine Coon will let you know. If they feel lonely or you haven't met their quota of playtime for the day, you can bet that they'll lick you repeatedly until you give them what you want.
You Taste Good
Cats and dogs alike will lick you because they enjoy the taste of your skin. No, they won't eat you in your sleep, but they will enjoy the salty flavor you may provide them. This is why they love licking you after a long run on a hot day.
Stress and Anxiety
If your cat is stressed out or suffering from anxiety, licking may be a sign of mental anguish. The best way to tackle this is to give them lots of love and attention. This type of cat develops these feelings when they're left alone for long periods or are neglected.
Assertion of Dominance
Despite the species difference, the Maine Coon cat may see you as part of their "pack," in which they'll lick you to show you that they're the top cat around the house. In reality, this is a pretty harmless gesture and doesn't mean they'll love you any less.
Licking you may be a sign of socialization for the Maine Coon. If this is the case, it's best to reciprocate well, especially if they're in the early stages of development.
Territorial Markings
Your Mane Coon may be licking you to "mark their territory." All this means is that they don't want other cats treading all over you. It would be best if you allowed it since it's better than the alternative way of marking their territory.
Weaned Too Early
Sometimes, if a cat is weaned too early, it'll suckle and lick your fingers to imitate the weaning process.
They're Distressed
The final reason your Maine Coon is licking you might be a sign of distress. If they're in pain or there's an underlying problem, this could be an indicator that there's something wrong. If this is the case, then you should take them to a vet as soon as possible.
Why Does My Cat Lick Me and Then Bite me?
Licking and then biting you could mean any number of things. Usually, though, it's a harmless gesture, and you didn't do anything wrong.
The first possibility is that it's a "love bite." For cats, biting is a way to show they care, and biting is just one of their odd methods of affection.
Of course, it may also be your cat's way of telling you to stop as they've been overstimulated. Cats are pretty finicky in what they want and when they want it, so you'll know when it's time to stop petting.
Lastly, it could mean they aren't done with you. If your Mane Coon is licking you and you suddenly try to pull away, they may try to bite you for you to come back. After all, they are one of the more attention-thirsty cats on the planet.