Nicknamed the "gentle giants of the feline world," Maine Coon cats are not only majestic and intriguing but also one of the most talked about species of cats in today's culture.

Maine Coons are intelligent, funny, and also happen to be enormous for a domestic cat breed. Male Maine Coon cats grow to be anywhere between 15-25 pounds, while the female's average size of 10-12 pounds. That is one massive creature to have lying around on your sofa!
But their large size isn't the only interesting fact about them; it's also been said that the Maine Coon cat has water-resistant fur. But is this true or just a crazy myth? Let's take a look.
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Do Maine Coons Have Water-Resistant Fur?
Maine Coon cats have many interesting features, but is water-resistant fur one of them? The experts say yes.
The Maine Coon cat has fur that naturally resists water droplets from soaking into it. This incredible feature allows them to swim faster and be more equipped to handle cold, frigid temperatures.
The Maine coon, as its name suggests, comes from the state of Maine, which is known for harsh, cold winters. The cat naturally adjusted to this environment and, therefore, has a coat of fur that is essentially water-resistant.
Maine Coons Love the Water
The water-resistant fur of a Maine coon certainly does not go unused. Unlike most domestic cat breeds, Maine Coons love the water. Swimming is one of their favorite things to do actually. They’re very strong swimmers; with large paws and water-resistant fur, they can compete against other wild animals in the water.
Origin of the Maine Coon
The Maine Coon cat’s love for water may have sparked from its state of origin. Although it’s known that the Maine coon cat species originated in Maine, there is speculation that they may have descended from Norwegian or Siberian forest cats.
Siberian forest cats are large, long-haired cats that originated in Russia. They are excellent swimmers and have been known to forage for their food, which is why they have the natural ability to swim and fur that helps assist in this capability. In addition, Russia has some of the coldest winters in the world, so of course, this cat would benefit from having water-resistant fur too.
Maine Coons and the Vikings
Another myth, which may or may not be accurate, is that the Maine Coon cat was previously a cat of the Vikings. History tells of large, long-haired cats that used to be on board the ships of the Vikings. These cats were excellent at catching mice; therefore, the Vikings kept them aboard their ships to keep the mice away while sailing the seas.
If this were to be true, and the Maine Coon cat breed was, in fact, the cat that sailed the seas with the Vikings, it makes perfect sense why they love the water, even today.
The Maine Coon Cats Personality & Traits
Despite their large size, the Maine Coon cat is very friendly and has a personality that’s sometimes compared to that of a dog. They love people and are great with kids as well! They have an easy going temperament and love attention and, of course, snuggles!
Suppose you love cats but also tend to lean towards dogs because of their loyal and loving personality. In that case, the Maine Coon cat breed might be the perfect compromise. They love to run and play and will need ample room to exercise their legs and stretch out.
The Maine Coon cat is also very silly. They love to keep their owners on their toes with their nixy tricks and child-like shenanigans. So if you think you’re ready to take this on, the Maine Coon cat might be just the entertainment you need in a furry companion.
Grooming a Maine Coon
It shouldn’t come as much of a surprise that with their long and majestic fur comes lots of grooming. Proper grooming is essential if you’re the owner of a Maine Coon cat because their fur is long and needs to be brushed and maintained for them to look presentable and for their health too.
The water-resistant agent that is naturally present in their fur is just one more thing to consider when grooming a Maine Coon. Of course, proper brushing is most important, but applying products to their fur that won’t compromise its natural oils is also essential.
Conclusion: Do Maine Coons Have Water-Resistant Fur?
When discussing the question, do Maine coons have water-resistant fur, the answer is quite clearly yes. Maine coon cats do have fur that is naturally water-resistant. This trait may have come from their history as Viking cats or their possible ties to the Siberian Forest cat. Either way, the Maine Coon cat is a loving and playful cat that deserves all the attention and love!