Red Maine Coon cats hold a special kind of beauty. Their long, fiery fur highlights their wild features and turns heads wherever they go.
Let’s meet some of the orange Maine Coons who grace social media pages and discover why people love them.
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1. Nala

Where is Nala traveling to? She looks like she’s packed and ready for some grand adventure. This red Maine Coon cat lives in Brazil, likes to wear neckerchiefs, and enjoys the view from her windowsill at home.
2. Omar
Omar is a supersized orange and white Maine Coon cat with over 150k followers on Instagram. His page is full of images of him lounging, posing, and having fun with his family. They like to place him next to other cats and objects that compare to his size. Very impressive!
3. Fox
Fox the Maine Coon looks like such an intelligent, alert kitty! In this picture, he eagerly takes a treat from his human hand. We’re sure he earned it for being a very good boy.
4. Lion Cub
Maine Coons’ similarities to lions are well known to all cat lovers. Their big faces, tufted ears, and majestic manes all create the quintessential lion look. This look is especially true of orange Maine Coons, whose golden coloring enhances their jungle cat traits even more. This kitten looks like he could play the next Lion King.
5. Big Talker
It looks like this orange Maine Coon cat is singing a song! Maine Coons are very vocal cats who make plenty of noise to make their needs known. Instead of meowing as their primary form of communication, they chirp and trill. These are unique sounds that most Maine Coon owners love to hear.
6. Tough Guy
This French Maine Coon cat looks like he’s all business. His fiery red coat and gruff demeanor give him a striking appearance. We bet he’s a sweet cat despite his imposing look, though!
7. Massandra
Unlike most cat breeds, Maine Coons are known for enjoying the water. They may hop in the sink to grab drips from the faucet like Masaandra here or try and get into the bathtub with you. This behavior can shock some new pet owners who aren’t used to aquatic kitty cats, but it is a trait that comes in handy should they ever need to be bathed.
8. Oslo
It looks like Oslo is ready for bed! This fuzzy boy’s account has dozens of pictures of him in various situations, from playing with toys to taking a stroll in the snow. He clearly lives a very full and active life. Go Oslo!
9. Archie
This fluffy, round-faced Maine Coon loves to hang out with his owners. It looks like some of his favorite things to do are outdoor activities, from hiking in the woods to sunning on the porch. He even shares corn on the cob with his mommy at a picnic. What a sweet guy!
10. James Dean - Hawkwood Giants
This kitten from Hawkwood Giants breeders has a few remarkable traits. First, his orange color is a very light frosted hue unusual for a cat. He also has very slanted, deep orange eyes. Most kittens have blue eyes until they get older. When he reaches maturity, this young man will certainly be a large and in-charge guy.
11. So Long!
If you search the internet for images of Maine Coon cats, you’ll find many pictures of owners holding up their pets to demonstrate how long they are. Their body size contributes to their overall length, but their tails make for an impressive stretch. Maine Coons have the longest tails of any cat breed, and they’re fluffy tails too!
12. Onyx
Onyx looks like a sweet yet assertive baby. Her light orange fur has a peachy tone, and her eyes are a complicated mix of gray-blue and orange. They will likely turn amber when she grows up.
13. Impact
Impact is an orange Maine Coon cat that weighs in at a whopping 30 pounds! For most cats, this would be excessive weight, but many Maine Coons, and this one, in particular, have such long, strong frames that these weights aren’t unusual or unhealthy for them.
14. The Box Rocks!
Cats of all breeds and sizes love cardboard boxes, but orange cats, specifically, have the advantage of camouflage when they’re in this reddish-brown environment. This Germany-based Maine Coon cat is having fun nestling in his favorite box.
15. Lilibet
This adorable golden-red Maine Coon Kitten is ready for a walk on a nice sunny day. Maine Coons have thick fur and a rugged body type that makes them outdoorsy cats, but they should always be able to come into a warm, loving home when their time outside is done.
Some cats enjoy wearing harnesses, and these devices are an excellent way to let your cat enjoy the outdoors without running off on its own.
16. Bowie
Many people believe that dogs smile, but cats do not. Bowie would beg to differ. His broad, blissful grin speaks volumes about his sense of contentment. Perhaps he really likes his cozy red sweater.
17. Hobie
Hobie the Maine Coon Cat is quite the character! He’s active and full of mischief, from climbing counters to drinking out of the sink. Maine Coon cats - like any other cat breed- vary significantly in their personalities and activity levels.
It’s essential to cat-proof your house to keep your feline from getting hurt during play or exploration.
18. Brand New
New babies, whether human or otherwise, inspire joy and hope in our hearts. This red Maine Coon cat is no exception. It appears to be old enough to have just opened its eyes, a developmental milestone that occurs between 2 days and two weeks old.
19. Nicole
Nicole seems to be claiming this whole bowl as her very own! Because Maine Coons are large cats, they often have a big appetite to match. It is important to feed your Maine Coon enough to keep up with their growth, but remember, overfeeding can lead to obesity, so follow healthy feeding guides and your vet’s instructions.
20. Red Kitten and Pumpkins
One great thing about red Maine Coon cats is that they go well with all your fall decorations! This kitten is the perfect centerpiece for a sparkly Halloween pumpkin display.
21. Mango
Mango has ears for days! Maine Coons’ unique ears are unlike any other cat. They’re large and tufted, giving them a slight werewolf look. This little Maine Coon cat will undoubtedly grow into those impressive ears, but for now, he’s in his awkward-cute stage.