If you are lucky enough to have a stunning Maine Coon cat as a pet, then you already know their personality is genuinely unlike any other cat's. The Maine Coon cat is very affectionate, curious, and, most importantly, truly adores his family. It is pretty easy to see that obsession.

This article will point out nine signs that your Main Coon cat is obsessed with you and explain why.
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- He Lets You See His Belly
- He Likes To Slow Blink With You
- He Talks to You
- He Loves To Headbutt
- He Shows You His Particular Tail Language
- He Loves To Sleep Close to You
- He Kneads on You
- He Brings You Special Presents
- He Follows You Everywhere
- Final Thoughts on Signs That Your Maine Coon Cat Is Obsessed With You and Why
He Lets You See His Belly
One of the ultimate signs of trust for any cat is for him to lie on his back with his tummy exposed. This position will only happen when your cat is entirely comfortable.
Be aware that just because your kitty is showing you his belly doesn't mean he wants you to rub or pet it. Your Maine Coon cat is simply showing how much they trust and are obsessed with you.
He Likes To Slow Blink With You
Maine Coon cats love making direct eye contact with people they truly love and trust. If your cat often makes eye contact with you and then blinks at you with slow and steady blinks, he is obsessed with you.
It is fun even to try and slow blink back your Maine Coon to show how obsessed you are with him too.
He Talks to You
Even though your Maine Coon cat will not have an actual conversation with you about the weather, they can come close.
Maine Coon cats are ridiculously vocal. They do not meow that often, but they do make a chirping sound. These cats will chirp and trill to tell you they are happy and relaxed. But they will also do it just to have a chat with you.
He Loves To Headbutt
Done chiefly as a way for your Maine Coon cat to claim you as your own by rubbing their scent against you, he will rub his cheeks or head against yours.
Headbutting is often a learned social behavior from when he was a kitten with his littermates and mother. When your Maine Coon cat is obsessed with you, he will always want to rub his head on you.
He Shows You His Particular Tail Language
A Maine Coon cat will use his tail to express his affections. If you pay attention and see it held in a semi-upright position with a bit of a hook at the end, you will know that he is obsessed with you.
Another Maine Coon cat tail sign that he is showing affection is when he slowly moves his tail when you pet him.
He Loves To Sleep Close to You
Where your Maine Coon cat chooses to sleep is a huge sign of his feelings towards you. The closer he sleeps to you, the more obsessed he is with you.
Even if your Maine Coon cat chooses to lay within arm's length for the occasional pet, this means that he feels very protected by you.
He Kneads on You
When a kitten is born, they cannot see; as a way to learn to nurse, they knead on their mothers to find the milk source.
The kneading behavior continues after nursing; most people believe cats do it to self-soothe. When your Maine Coon cat kneads on or near you, he shows how content he is with you.
He Brings You Special Presents
Like all cats, your Maine Coon cat has hunting wired in his DNA. Your cat might occasionally bring unique gifts to show his obsession with you.
He may bring toys, small objects, or even a rodent or bird. Remember that this is your Maine Coon cat's way of rewarding you for being their favorite person.
He Follows You Everywhere
When your Maine Coon cat is obsessed with you, he will always want to be near you. He is curious about what you are doing and trusts you enough not to take me to danger.
He might even greet you at the door when you get home and weave in between and around your legs when you are standing.
Final Thoughts on Signs That Your Maine Coon Cat Is Obsessed With You and Why
Maine Coon cats are incredibly devoted and love to show you how obsessed they are with you. Between their manners, body language, and sounds, you can easily tell when your Maine Coon cat is obsessed with you.