Maine Coon cats are giant puffballs who love to play and have boundless energy reserves.

And despite their huge stature, they're quite friendly. There is a catch, though, and that is they require tons of love and attention to be happy. If they lack these two essential pet care habits, you may find them crying at night.
Of course, there could be many other reasons one of these jumbo kitties might cry the night away, and we're here to help you deduce exactly why yours is.
So, for your curiosity and knowledge, here are 7 possible reasons why a Maine Coon would cry at night.
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7 Reasons Your Maine Coon Cat Cries at Night
Understanding why your Maine Coon cries at night requires you to know all potential causes of their distress.
These are the most common causes:
They're Hungry
First, let's get the most common and apparent reason out of the way: they're hungry. If they're constantly meowing and their stomach is growling in the night, this may be a sign you're not feeding them enough (or maybe you've been providing them too much).
Either way, if you think this is the reason, then it might be time to adjust your cat's diet.
They're Thirsty
Similarly to hunger, a Maine Coon might cry because it's thirsty. All this means is that it's time to change their water bowl with some fresh water.
A good indicator of this is if their meow sounds quiet, almost parched. If they're dehydrated, you'll notice a significant difference in the noises that come out of their throat.
They Want Attention
As we said before, the Maine Coon cat loves attention. You know how some cats don't care for people and don't mind being ignored all day? Well, the Maine Coon is the exact opposite of that.
They're more like dogs because you need to give them constant attention to be happy. If they wake you up in the middle of the night with continuous meowing, it's probably a good idea to start giving them more love and affection during the day.
They're in Pain
The Maine Coon cat's cries in the night may also be a cry from pain. They might have a noticeable abrasion on their body, or it could stem from an internal problem.
If you think of any other reason for your pet's behavior, you should take a trip to the vet as soon as possible, especially if you feel they are suffering.
The colossal fluffers are known, quite notorious actually, for getting lonely. This is especially prominent when their owners are constantly out of the house and away from them.
Their loneliness can lead to other underlying issues such as stress or anxiety, and if you cannot escape a long work schedule, it's best to make the most out of the time you spend together.
Another reason your Main Coon could be crying at night is fear. They may not be afraid of the dark, but a loud noise such as a truck or fireworks could easily scare them and cause them to become distressed.
Mating Instincts
During certain times of the year, their reproductive instincts become most prominent, and they may cry loudly at night, searching for a mate.
This is primarily true in un-neutered and unspayed cats, though it may be observed in the latter.
How Do I Get my Maine Coon To Stop Crying?
Getting your Main Coon to stop crying is a matter of concluding why your cat is crying and adjusting necessarily. Most of the time, it's simply because they're lonely and not getting enough attention. If this is the case, then you've got to devote more time out of your day to care for them.
Likewise, experiment with their feeding and drinking habits. They will have something to say about if they're not getting enough nutrition.
When all is said and done, and if you can't find a reason, it's in your best interest to get professional help. If your cat's getting plenty of attention and food, and they aren't in heat, then they may be suffering and require medical assistance.