Whether you’re an experienced cat owner or this is your first cat, you may have wondered from time to time if your Maine Coon cat will run away. This is perfectly normal, as we regularly hear about fleeing or missing cats, and we don’t want our own to find themselves in the open wild.

So, will Maine Coons run away? Experts say that Maine Coons love their owners and aren’t any more likely to run away than any other breed of cat.
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Why Might a Maine Coon Run Away or Go Missing
With that being said, Maine Coons, just like any other cat, are curious creatures. There is a chance that they’ll wander off due to the following reasons.
They Are Escape Artists
Maine Coons may attempt to run away, especially if they are indoor/outdoor cats. Maine Coons are the largest domesticated cats in the world; it’s no surprise they would want to get outside and exercise their enormous bodies. With their fluffy fur and powerful paws and legs, Maine Coons thrive outdoors, especially in wintertime, much like the Norwegian Forest Cat.
While no breed or type of cat is more likely to run away than any other, intact (unneutered) male cats do have many more average escape attempts than other cat demographics. For health reasons and to dissuade unwanted behavior, like spraying, yowling, or escaping, you should always neuter your male cats.
They Have the Urge To Explore
If your Maine Coon has the urge to go outside, that’s no surprise. These huge cats were originally bred to withstand the freezing and unforgiving winters of Maine and to catch mice and rats that could be harmful to crops and carry disease.
These cats were bred to work and to live their lives mostly outdoors. If your Maine Coon does want to explore the great outdoors, you can train them with a harness and leash so that they can explore safely under your supervision.
Additionally, research shows that when left alone, Maine Coons will start to explore. Microchips are excellent in the event that your cat does run away or go missing—if someone finds him or her, they can scan the chip at the local vet who will then notify you of your beloved feline’s location.
They Were Stolen
Because of the Maine Coon’s unique appearance and its marvelous personality, it is not only one of the most popular cat breeds to have, but also to steal. You may be surprised to learn that there are devious types out there who would steal people’s beloved pets, but there are plenty of unsavory types who actually do this so they can cheaply sell your rare and expensive pet to unknowing Maine Coon enthusiasts.
If your cat has gone missing, it’s possible that he never ran away at all, but that he was stolen. Unfortunately, pet microchips only have scanner technology, not GPS, so you cannot use them to track your cat.
They Were Spooked
Another problem is that if your cat regularly comes in and out as she pleases, there’s the risk of her getting spooked by an outside stimulus that can scare her off and make her leave your property out of fear. This could be fireworks or a car backfiring or any number of loud noises, or perhaps even a predator (although it’s difficult to imagine even a bird of prey carrying off such a large cat).
Final Thoughts
Although your fluffy, friendly Maine Coon is no more likely to run away than any other feline, there are other factors (theft, fear, illness, etc.) that may have come into play if your Maine Coon goes missing.
In order to keep your Maine Coon safe, you can have supervised outdoor time, make sure they’re neutered/spayed and microchipped, and keep them indoors during holidays like the Fourth of July.