Maine Coons and Sphynx cats are two stunning cat breeds that are highly sought-after for their gentle and elegant temperaments.

However, many people may not know that the Sphynx cat is a cat breed and has been for many decades. This breed is not legendary and ancient, but these cats have only been around since the 1960s.
Breeding these two iconic types of cats together creates a stunning mixture that will offer your family plenty of memories, fun, and excitement in the home. Although these breeds are vastly different in some ways, they can be some of the best characters.
Read on to learn more about the Maine Coon Sphynx cat.
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What Are Sphynx Cats?
Sphynx cats have no hair and came from mutations when shorthaired cats come together to create a hybrid. This mutation is recent and has only been around since the 1960s and 1970s. Many think these cats are legendary and ancient, but this couldn’t be farther from the truth.
Sphynx cats are most notable for their large, pointed ears and the wrinkly look of their hairless bodies. These cats can have small faces and stunning eye colors that make the color pop out and seem like they are looking right through you.
Are Sphynx Cats Real?
Sphynx cats are real and have been around for several decades. However, 100 years ago, a hairless cat like the Sphynx might have been unthinkable to many cat enthusiasts. These hairless cats are now ordinary and have been bred to keep the mutation that causes them to forgo hair.
The initial mutation was accidental and caused much concern upon the birth of the first Sphynx cat. However, since the first kitten was born hairless, many have fallen in love with the appearance and temperament of the Sphynx cat and have bred them with other cats to create equally lovable hybrids.
Why Do People Think They Don’t Exist?
People may not think Sphynx cats exist due to the myth of the Sphinx in Greek and Egyptian mythology and the ancient statue of the same name.
In legend, the Sphinx is a feline-like creature with a humanoid head and wings. Because of the similar name, many people may believe the Sphynx cat to be equally magical and mythical.
What Are Maine Coon Cats?
Maine Coon cats are large cats who have been bred for hundreds of years. These cats are famously gentle and social, loving to be around people and entertain those who enter the home.
Maine Coon cats have a luxurious coat of hair and adore to be rubbed, petted, and cuddled. These cats have near canine-like traits and act less aloof than most cat breeds.
Maine Coon cats are happiest in homes with small children to play with and other animals to spend leisurely time with. An ideal day for a Maine Coon cat includes plenty of cuddles, play, and running around the home, making them the perfect breed to make a hybrid from.
Can Maine Coon and Sphynx Cats Breed?
Maine Coon and Sphynx cats have been bred before and come together to create a mesmerizing cat breed that adores people and has a small amount of hair.
These cats will maintain the wrinkly appearance that Sphynx cats are famous for and the narrow face that many cat enthusiasts find compelling.
A Maine Coon Sphynx cat is also a perfect blend of aloof and fun-loving, meaning your cat will spend plenty of time cuddling and playing before sitting down for some quiet relaxation to recharge.
What Are Maine Coon Sphynx Cat Mixes Like?
Not much is known about the Maine Coon Sphynx cat since it isn’t common in most areas and homes. These cats are hard to find and harder to breed since both breeds aren’t usually in the same climate region.
However, you should know about their temperament, appearance, and any special care needs they may have.
Maine Coon Sphynx cats love attention and seek out their owners to spend time with them or cuddle. These cats can be slightly aloof when they are having a bad day, feel sick, or need some alone time.
Otherwise, your Maine Coon Sphynx cat will likely encourage any small children or other animals in the home to play with them.
This hybrid cat breed gets its fun-loving nature from its Maine Coon cat parent breed and its aloofness from its Sphynx cat parent breed. These cats will also wait patiently for you to come home and spend plenty of time rubbing against you to mark you as belonging to them.
Hair, Colors, & Appearance
A Maine Coon Sphynx cat has an odd but compelling appearance. These cats will have a small amount of hair on their bodies but maintain a wrinkled look like their Sphynx cat parent.
These hybrid cats will also present with the pointed ears of their Sphynx cat parent and a need for quiet time to recharge.
However, your Maine Coon Sphynx cat will have no problem harassing you for playtime, like their Maine Coon parent breed. This hybrid cat adores playing and will need a tall cat tree and plenty of toys littered about the home to be happy.
Special Care Needs
Maine Coon Sphynx cat mixes don’t need much special care or attention except for bathing. Because these cats have less hair than a typical cat, they will need to have frequent wash to get rid of any dander or excess skin buildup.
Sphynx cats usually need a weekly bath, but Maine Coon Sphynx cats will have some hair, so they may not need a bath as frequently. Consider bathing your Maine Coon Sphynx cat every two or three weeks to help them remain clean and healthy.
Do Maine Coon Sphynx Cats Get Along With Children?
Maine Coon Sphynx cats adore children because these cats love to play, run around, and chase after others. These cats are deeply inquisitive and encourage small children with toys and puzzles.
Children who understand boundaries and how to be gentle with animals will do well with a Maine Coon Sphynx cat since these cats can be rowdy themselves.
Do Maine Coon Sphynx Cats Get Along With Other Cats?
Maine Coon Sphynx cats can get along well with other cats, but not too many. Ideally, these cats should be in homes with only one or two other cats.
However, your Maine Coon Sphynx cat may get overwhelmed and fussy when they are surrounded by the scents and behaviors of other cats in the home.
Consider giving your Maine Coon Sphynx cat plenty of space away from others and evaluate carefully if they will accept feline companionship before adopting another cat.
Final Thoughts
Maine Coon Sphynx cats are real cats that can be bred when the conditions are right, and they have a good home to reside in. These cats may sound like they come from something in the imagination, but they aren’t.
Maine Coon Sphynx cats inherit tons of intelligence, inquisitive trouble, and gentleness from their parent breeds. Maine Coon Sphynx cats are perfect companions to family homes and may get along well with rambunctious and equally as inquisitive children.