It is important to take care of your pet, and that includes their mental health. Maine coons are generally a very friendly and majestic breed and they enjoy human companionship. However, some Maine coon owners have found that even though they spend time with their pets every day, the cats can become more withdrawn or aggressive than usual. This may be due to depression in Maine coons which has been caused by an underlying medical condition such as kidney disease or hyperthyroidism. In this article we will discuss the symptoms of depression in Maine coons so you know what to look for if you think your cat might be suffering from it!
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Causes of Depression in Maine Coon

Many different things can cause depression in Maine Coons. It is very important to understand the different causes of depression in your pet cat. Let’s take a look at some of the causes of depression. Without identifying the real cause of depression, you will never be able to treat the depression.
Lack of Socialization
If a Maine Coon is not given enough attention from their owner or does not have other cats to play with, they can become depressed. A lack of socialization will lead to boredom and a feeling of loneliness, both of which can cause depression in Maine Coons. It is important to make sure your cat has plenty of toys to play with and a safe place to rest, as well as enough human interaction.
Medical Conditions
As we mentioned before, medical conditions can often be the underlying cause of depression in Maine Coons. If your pet is suffering from a chronic illness such as kidney disease or hyperthyroidism, they may become depressed due to their illness. It is very important for you to make sure your Maine Coon gets regular check-ups so that any underlying medical conditions can be addressed and treated before depression sets in.
When the Maine Coon Sees New People
A Maine Coon will become depressed when they see new people. They may show signs of aggression or hide away from the new person and not want to interact with them at all. The reason for this is that a lot of cats simply don't like change, so seeing any kind of change in their environment can cause depression in Maine Coons. If you are having guests over, make sure your cat is in a room where they can't see or hear the new people. This will help to prevent them from becoming depressed.
Fights with Other Cats
If your Maine Coon is fighting with other cats in the home, it can lead to depression. Cats are very territorial creatures and when they fight with each other, it can cause a lot of stress which can lead to depression. If you have more than one cat in your home, make sure they have plenty of space to avoid fights and try to keep an eye on them when they are together.
Lack of Affection from the Owner
If your Maine Coon does not get the affection from you that they need, it can cause them to become depressed. Cats are very social animals and want a lot of human interaction. If your cat doesn't feel like they have enough attention or do not feel secure in their home life, then depression may set in. Make sure that you spend time with your cat every day and give them plenty of love.
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Change in Location
Maine Coons get used to their space, so if there is any change in location for example change in apartment or house, then it can be very stressful for the Maine coon. It is recommended to keep the same surroundings as much as possible and make any changes gradually so that your Maine coon can adjust better.
When They Are Scared
If a Maine Coon is scared, they may become depressed. This can be due to loud noises such as thunder or fireworks, or if they are fearful of people or other animals. If your cat seems to be scared of something and isn't coming out from hiding, it might be because they are depressed. Try to identify what is scaring them and do what you can to eliminate that fear.
Loud Noises
Loud noises can cause depression in Maine coons. It is important to keep the noise levels down around your Maine Coon and make sure there are no loud appliances or other pets that will scare them if you notice your cat hiding away due to being afraid of something noisy.
Dietary Changes
Sometimes a change in diet can affect your cat negatively and lead to depression. If you have recently changed your cats diet or are planning on making a change soon, it is important that the transition period be done slowly so as not to upset their stomachs causing them anxiety which can cause them to become depressed.
Lack of Toys
Cats need stimulation in order to keep them from becoming depressed and one way to do that is by providing them with plenty of toys. If your cat doesn't have any toys to play with, they may become bored and restless, leading to depression. Make sure you provide your cat with a variety of different types of toys so they can stay entertained.
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Aggression towards Maine Coon Can Cause Stress and Depression
If your Maine Coon is aggressive towards other pets in the home, it can cause a lot of stress and anxiety which may lead to depression. It is important that you make sure any aggression problems are taken care of before they get out of hand causing major health issues for your pet.
Unfavorable Surroundings
Cats prefer their surroundings to be calm and stress free, so if there are a lot of changes going on in their environment or it is generally chaotic, they may become depressed. Make sure your cat has a place where they can go to get away from all the noise and chaos.
What Are the Main Symptoms of Depression in Your Maine Coon?
Now, that you are already familiar with causes of depression in Maine Coon, let’s take a look at some of the symptoms that might show that your Maine coon is depressed.
There Is a Change in Their Behavior
If your Maine Coon is normally very active but all of a sudden becomes lazy and lethargic, it might be a sign that they are depressed. Similarly, if your cat usually loves to spend time with you but starts avoiding you or hiding from you, this could also be a sign of depression.
They Stop Eating
Depression can often lead to a loss of appetite in cats. If your Maine Coon stops eating altogether or starts only eating a very small amount, it could be a sign that they are depressed.
They Start Urinating or Defecating Outside Of the Litter Box
If your cat usually uses the litter box to go to the bathroom but all of sudden they start peeing or pooping on your floor, it can be a sign of depression. It is important to get your cat checked out by a veterinarian if you notice this behavior, as it could be a sign of an underlying medical condition.
They Have changes In Their Grooming Habits
If your Maine Coon usually keeps themselves very clean but all of sudden they start to itch or scratch more than usual, it could be a sign that they are depressed. Similarly, if your cat starts to lose hair or has bald patches, this could also be a sign of depression.
It Feels Itchy More than Usual
If your cat usually doesn't itch but all of sudden they start to feel itchy a lot, this could be another sign that they are depressed. This is because when cats are stressed or depressed, they may start to lick and groom themselves more than usual as a way to self-soothe.
They Seem To Be in Pain
If your cat is normally very active but all of a sudden they start to move slowly and gingerly, it could be a sign that they are in pain. This is because when cats are depressed, they may not feel like moving around as much and this can lead to them feeling pain. If you notice any changes in your cat's behavior and believe that they are depressed, you should contact your veterinarian.
They Have a Decreased Immunity
When cats are stressed, their immune system can take a hit and this can lead to them getting sick more often. If your cat is depressed, they may become more susceptible to getting sick and have a harder time recovering.
How Can You Treat Your Maine Coons Depression
It is very important to treat your Maine Coons depression, otherwise it can have adverse effects on their health. This is because when cats are depressed, they may not be able to eat or drink properly and this can cause them to get even more ill. It is important that you take your cat in for a checkup with the vet if you believe that they might have depression so it can be treated before things start getting worse.
Identify and Remove the Triggers from Your House
If your cat is depressed, it can be useful to remove any triggers that might cause them stress. For example, if you have identified that they get depressed when you turn on the volume of your television to high then may be try to keep the volume to a minimum level that is ideal for you to hear and not too loud to trigger your Maine coon's depression.
Recomended Medication
Your veterinarian can take a look at your cats and may be able to identify if they have an underlying medical condition that is causing them to become depressed. Once this has been determined, you can use medication to treat the disease or disorder so they no longer feel the effects of depression.
Avoid Making Any Changes to Your Cat's Environment
It can be very easy to make changes in your Maine Coons environment when they begin feeling depressed. For example, if you have a cat that is usually kept outdoors and all of sudden start insisting on being brought inside due to depression, this could cause them stress as it feels like their world has changed for the worse. In situations like these, it is best to avoid making any changes to their environment until they have recovered from their depression.
Give Them More Attention and Love
One of the best ways to help your cat recover from depression is by giving them more attention and love. Spend time playing with them, petting them, and talking to them. This will show that you care about them and can help make them feel better.
Take Them to the Vet
If you are unsure of whether your Maine coon is depressed or not, it is best to take them in for a checkup with the veterinarian. They will be able to give your cat a thorough examination and determine if they have depression and, if so, what the best treatment plan for them would be.
How Important Is It To Diagnose Depression In Your Maine Coon?
It is very important to diagnose depression in your Maine coon as soon as possible. This is because when left untreated, it can lead to a number of health problems for them. If you believe that your cat might be depressed, take them in for a checkup with the vet so they can get the help they need.